Media Coverage
Welton Gaddy, former Southern Baptist who became a champion of liberal Christianity, dies
The Rev. C. Welton Gaddy, a pastor and former president of Interfaith Alliance who went from being a conservative Southern Baptist leader to an advocate for interfaith relations and LGBTQ Christians, died Wednesday (June 7). He was 81. Interfaith Alliance announced Gaddy’s death in a statement, saying the organization’s former leader died in his home…
LGBT advocates seek to soften Pride Month in response to backlash
The initiative is “part of a fight for shared justice” aimed at countering conservative backlash against transgender rights, said the Rev. Paul Raushenbush, a Baptist minister who heads the Interfaith Alliance.
Interfaith leader, Baptist pastor Welton Gaddy dies at 81
The Interfaith Alliance—where Gaddy served as president from 1997 to 2014—announced Gaddy died in his home in Monroe, La.
SCOTUS Affirms District Court Ruling, Requiring Alabama to Redraw District Maps
Darcy Hirsh, senior director of policy and advocacy at Interfaith Alliance, released the following statement: “Today’s ruling reaffirms the landmark Voting Rights Act and honors the hard-fought right to vote. As the late Rep. John Lewis reminds us: ‘The vote is precious. It is almost sacred.’ As an organization working to achieve a pluralistic vision…
Welton Gaddy, Baptist champion of interfaith religious freedom
After leading Americans United for Separation of Church and State as president, Gaddy became president of Interfaith Alliance, a Washington-based advocate for religious freedom and democracy for all Americans, from 1997 to 2014.
Interfaith Alliance announces partnership with Religion News Service to distribute long-running religion and democracy podcast
Interfaith Alliance today announced a new joint effort to produce and distribute State of Belief, the organization’s long-running religion and democracy radio show and podcast, alongside Religion News Service.
Oklahoma’s OK for nation’s first religious charter school to be challenged in court
“Oklahoma’s decision to bluelight the nation’s first religious charter school opens the floodgates for taxpayer-funded discrimination and sullies the constitutional tenet that religion and government remain separate,” Interfaith Alliance President Paul Brandeis Raushenbush said.
Fighting for true religious freedom in Fresno means opposing Christian nationalism
March 9, 2023 by: Paul Raushenbush (op-ed) | Outlet: The Fresno Bee Click here to …
The Rev. C. Welton Gaddy, Defender of Church-State Divide, Dies at 81
The Rev. C. Welton Gaddy, who started his career in the Southern Baptist Convention but became increasingly troubled as the denomination grew more aggressively conservative, and who went on to lead the Interfaith Alliance, an organization devoted to religious and cultural diversity and to keeping religion and politics separate, died on June 7 in Monroe,…
Religious leaders must step up to support our trans siblings
I pray all those who are called to lead spiritual and religious organizations of every kind will take seriously the mandate to love and support our trans siblings so no more names need be spoken on Trans Day of Remembrance. I pray they can live life fully now — just as they are.