Spring Newsletter 09

  • Ask Welton

    What is the biggest threat to religious freedom today? Will hate crimes legislation constrain the prophetic …

  • Introduction from Welton

    Welcome to the first edition of Interfaith Alliance’s e-newsletter! We’ve ended the run of The Light, …

  • Four Years of LEADD: a Photo Retrospective

    LEADD (Leadership Education Advancing Democracy and Diversity), Interfaith Alliance’s youth education program, is in its fourth year and working to spread its message of protecting religious freedom and democracy to high school students nationwide. Our new Weekend LEADD model, introduced in Tampa, FL in 2008, just wrapped up in Oklahoma City.  There, 23 Oklahoman high…

  • Spotlight on…Interfaith Alliance of Iowa

    On Friday, April 3, 2009, the Supreme Court of Iowa ruled that gay and lesbian couples deserve the same ability to be recognized as married by the state as heterosexual couples. The court upheld the right of religious groups to decide for themselves whom they will and will not marry. This comes after many years…

  • Religious liberty at stake in U.S. courts

    The battles for religious freedom are often fought in courtrooms across this country.  That is why Interfaith Alliance is expanding its work within the judicial system.  We will be watching very closely the confirmation process of the new Supreme Court nominee, and we are also following a number of key court cases currently being litigated.In…

  • Faith, Funding and the Obama Administration

    Interfaith Alliance continues to monitor aggressively the activities and make-up of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. During the Bush Administration, Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, President of Interfaith Alliance, was one of the most vocal critics of this office. Under President Obama, Interfaith Alliance has continued to advocate for its closure.…