Interfaith Alliance Sends Letter to Sen. Cruz, Others Asking Them to Defend the Rights of All Houses of Worship

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For Immediate Release
Contact: Shannon Craig Straw, West End Strategy Team, 202-776-7700,  

Following the revelation that attorneys working for the city of Houston had subpoenaed the sermons of several local pastors, Interfaith Alliance joined a broad spectrum of voices criticizing this violation of religious freedom. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was one of those vocally denouncing these subpoenas. Today, Rev. Welton Gaddy sent the following letter to Sen. Cruz urging him to extend his defense of the freedom of houses of worship to all religious communities, particularly the Muslim community who has frequently been the target of government overreach. Similar letters were sent to Senator Rand Paul, Governor Mike Huckabee, Houston area Congressman Steve Stockman, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins, and Alliance Defending Freedom president Alan Sears.


The Honorable Ted Cruz
185 Dirksen Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510-4306

October 20, 2014

Dear Senator Cruz,

I have heard from many people over the last week noting the unlikely coalition that has come together to oppose the subpoenas issued to clergy in Houston and I would not be surprised if you had also heard a similar message. I am writing because I am curious if your commitment to this freedom of speech from the pulpit extends beyond clergy with whom you are ideologically aligned.

I know for myself the answer is yes, I adamantly disagree with the clergy that have been subpoenaed on the substance of their argument. I am a steadfast supporter of equal rights and protection for the LGBT community, and I support the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance at the heart of this debate. And yet I stand also with you in opposition to these subpoenas and the overreach they represent. 

For years, law enforcement officials at the local, state and federal level have been monitoring sermons at mosques around the country. Your statements on the issue have been, at best, unconcerned with religious freedom of American Muslims and, at worst, suggestive that this trampling on the First Amendment is justified. We cannot assure real religious freedom in America unless we make clear that the government cannot intrude upon the autonomy of clergy and houses of worship – regardless of faith – without demonstrating overwhelming evidence.

Religious freedom is only meaningful if we protect the rights of all religious communities in America, not just Christians. I hope we can maintain the broad consensus we witnessed in the past days as other religious communities see their constitutional rights jeopardized when politicians, prosecutors, and law enforcement agencies overstep.

Will you join me, with all of the passion and power you demonstrated last week, in defense of the Muslim leaders and communities who are so often the victims of government overreach? Time and again we hear of mosques that have been spied on, imams who have been tracked by law enforcement, and Muslims and Sikhs who have been targeted simply because of their religious practice or appearance.

The devotion to religious freedom that you showed last week is laudable, but the truest test of that commitment is whether you are willing to stand up for the rights of those who do not share your personal beliefs.


Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy
Interfaith Alliance

Interfaith Alliance is a network of people of diverse faiths and beliefs from across the country working together to build a resilient democracy and fulfill America’s promise of religious freedom and civil rights not just for some, but for all. We mobilize powerful coalitions to challenge Christian nationalism and religious extremism, while fostering a better understanding of the healthy boundaries between religion and government. We advocate at all levels of government for an equitable and just America where the freedoms of belief and religious practice are protected, and where all persons are treated with dignity and have the opportunity to thrive. For more information visit