Episode image from stateofbelief.com.
By Ray Kirstein
Last week, the Gospel-inspired words spoken from the pulpit by Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Episcopal Bishop of Washington, DC, set off a firestorm of partisan backlash. Host Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush starts this week’s The State of Belief podcast with an appreciation of her words and courage in speaking biblical truth to power.
We than hear an in-depth conversation with Skye Perryman, President and CEO of Democracy Forward, which focuses on using the law to challenge harmful actions by powerful interests and ensure accountability in government. Talk about being made for the moment! Among Democracy Forward’s major projects right now is Democracy 2025, bringing people together with the skills they bring, with the needs they have, and strategizing together. Skye and Paul explore the importance of community, connection, and the role of civil servants in upholding democracy, and offer strategies for productive engagement in this turbulent and overwhelming time.
Insights, strategies and encouragement are abundant in this empowering and inspiring conversation from one of the leaders in the critical work the new administration makes essential.
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Ray Kirstein is the Producer of the State of Belief podcast.