I joined C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” To Talk Religion and Politics
This morning, I joined C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” interview show discussing why faith leaders and communities have an essential role to play in fighting the Trump Administration’s assault on civil rights, religious freedom and democracy.
In this terrifying moment, when so much that we hold dear is under attack, I was proud to discuss the inspiring work that diverse faith communities are doing to defend the vulnerable, challenge the hateful doctrines behind these policies, and speak truth to power.
You can watch my full interview on CSPAN’s “Washington Journal" including Q&A with listeners here.
Speaking about the inspiring example set last week by the sermon of Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, I told the interviewer:
“In asking for mercy and to consider the hurt that your policies are about to impose on communities, she was doing what she believes is the gospel. A lot of the time, conservatives use the term religious freedom, but it’s always religious freedom for me, not for thee. Everyone deserves religious freedom for whatever tradition you’re in, including the many people who are not religious but deserve every bit of freedom to live their life as any religious person.”
At Interfaith Alliance, we’re mobilizing our powerful movement at this critical moment in our history. We’re making clear that Christian nationalists and the Trump Administration represent a major threat to our democracy and true religious freedom. We will be on the front lines of these fights, championing the values of justice, equality, and a vision for a future that includes all of us!
And we need you!
Yours in solidarity,
Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush
President and CEO, Interfaith Alliance