Ours is a nation of values, founded on the ideal that all people are created equal. But members of minority faiths have, throughout our history, struggled for the right to believe and practice freely without experiencing violence, coercion, or discrimination.
Interfaith Alliance stands with our friends and neighbors who face discrimination, with the knowledge that our freedoms are inextricably tied to theirs.
Interfaith Alliance Celebrates the Muslim Ban’s repeal and Urges Passage of the NO BAN Act.
Religious freedom and equal treatment under the law are non-partisan issues. But three years ago, President Trump denied tens of thousands of American Muslims these rights by issuing the first of three travel bans targeting majority-Muslim nations.
The Muslim Ban tarnished our reputation as a nation of possibility for immigrants and refugees. Parents, grandparents, siblings and children have been separated from their families, denied necessary medical treatment, and lost major professional and educational opportunities – simply because of who they are. As Senator Chris Coons has said, “This is family separation by any other name.”
In one of his first acts as president, President Biden issued an executive order rescinding the Muslim and African travel bans. Interfaith Alliance celebrated this historic measure along with the thousands of Americans separated from their families by these unjust bans.
Now, Congress must do its part to secure this legacy for the future by passing the NO BAN Act, a historic bill that would end the Muslim Ban once and for all and affirm the core American value of religious freedom. Learn more about the NO BAN Act.