Interfaith Alliance on the Hill as a New Congress Begins

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On January 3, 2023, Congress begins a new and contentious term and Interfaith Alliance is already on the ground meeting with new legislators to discuss the challenges they will face. Our federal team is focused on policies that bolster the separation of religion and government, address the root causes of hate, and challenge traditional notions about the “faith vote.”

In a sharply divided Congress, lawmakers are called to answer urgent questions around the role of religion in public life. Our advocates are offering support and sharing resources that champion an inclusive vision of religious freedom, protecting the right to believe as we choose for people of all faiths and none. In the 118th Congress, our federal policy and legislative priorities include:

  • Combating the spread of Christian nationalism
  • Expanding federal civil rights laws and countering the misuse of religion to discriminate
  • Bolstering our democratic institutions
  • Ending discrimination, bigotry, and hatred against religious minorities

Across issue areas, we strive to shift the way that matters of faith and freedom are often represented in federal policy discussions – away from the public perception that people of faith uniformly share a particular worldview or vote a certain way. A national nonpartisan organization, we’re equipping and mobilizing a diverse network of Americans around our shared commitments to religious freedom and participatory democracy. 

Members of Congress have an obligation to represent the interests of all of their constituents, not just those who share their political or religious convictions. In the weeks to come, join Interfaith Alliance in making your voice heard around matters of justice and equality. Learn more about our work to advance an inclusive vision of religious freedom.