Statement of Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy On James Dobson’s “Letter From 2012”

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The so called “letter from 2012” released by James Dobson is one of the most disingenuous pieces of political rhetoric I have ever encountered. The letter, portrayed as his worst fears, actually reveals the details of his agenda over the next four years.

The Religious Right has a proven track record of ripping apart administrations that don’t toe their party line, but this is the first time I have seen a president condemned before he is even elected. If we accept this fear-mongering, it will only serve to embolden and empower Dr. Dobson and his allies.

I understand that Dr. Dobson has a different vision for America than what may come about if Barack Obama is elected president – and I remind you that is still very much an “if” – but our leaders are elected to represent the views of all Americans, not just those who agree with Focus on the Family.

These are difficult times we are living in, and we must – together – bring our nation safely through them before we can pretend to assume what difficult times may lie ahead. Regardless of who is elected next Tuesday, our new president must ensure that our nation remains open to people of all faith traditions, that it continues to embrace the principle of religious freedom on which it was founded and that its citizens are respected as much for their individual differences as they are for their collective patriotism.

James Dobson’s letter is a reactionary abomination, containing a dismal distrust of democracy and a disrespect for the American people. Evidently Dr. Dobson’s resident apocalyptic fortune teller went crazy!

Interfaith Alliance is a network of people of diverse faiths and beliefs from across the country working together to build a resilient democracy and fulfill America’s promise of religious freedom and civil rights not just for some, but for all. We mobilize powerful coalitions to challenge Christian nationalism and religious extremism, while fostering a better understanding of the healthy boundaries between religion and government. We advocate at all levels of government for an equitable and just America where the freedoms of belief and religious practice are protected, and where all persons are treated with dignity and have the opportunity to thrive. For more information visit