Message from Walter Cronkite

From the Desk of Walter Cronkite

Honorary Chairman

When I anchored the evening news, I kept my opinions to myself. But now, more than ever, I feel I must speak out. That’s because I am deeply disturbed by the dangerous and growing influence of people like Pat Robertson and James Dobson on our nation’s political leaders.

Like you, I understand that freedom of speech is a founding principle of our nation, and I respect people with the courage to speak their minds. As a concerned person of faith, however, I have watched with increasing alarm as Religious Right groups manipulate religion to further their intolerant, political agendas. Over the years, they have gained considerable influence at every level of government…on local school boards, in the Administration, the courts, and in Congress. They have shrewdly twisted the traditional healing role of religion into an intolerant, political platform.

This is why I am speaking out today, and why I urge you to speak out, too. It is time we challenge those who equate religious beliefs with partisan politics, and if you agree, there is something you can do about it today.

Join me as a proud member of The Interfaith Alliance today.

When you do, you’ll join a diverse group of people of faith, goodwill and conscience who promote pluralism and religious freedom. The Interfaith Alliance is a non-partisan, grassroots organization

with members from more than 75 diverse faith traditions. It’s the only organization working full time to challenge religious political extremism, while promoting the healing role of faith in public life.

In short, The Interfaith Alliance offers a mainstream alternative for people of faith, goodwill and conscience to stand in opposition to the extremism of the Religious Right. Many members of Congress cave into its demands. Even politicians – who dislike its tactics or are uncomfortable with its political agenda – have been scared into submission.

So, I ask you today to stand with The Interfaith Alliance to challenge the intolerant influence of the Religious Right in civic life.

I am proud to stand behind The Interfaith Alliance – a courageous group of people of faith, goodwill and conscience – and I know you will be proud, too. Please join me in this critical effort with a special contribution today.

Thank you,

Mr. Walter Cronkite, Honorary Chairman

P.S. The Religious Right’s influence over America’s politicians has gone too far. Please join me in offering a voice of tolerance, civility and true compassion in the political process by supporting The Interfaith Alliance’s mission.